Lessons from the last session: Taking Flight đź•Š

Muqaddas Fatima
4 min readJun 18, 2021

Hey! We have reached the end of this beautiful journey. The whole three months just flew and we are going to conclude our fellowship. The outcomes of the journey are awesome and the results will shock you. You can’t believe that you have changed so much. Amal fellowship is itself a great opportunity but I would love to say that it is a gateway to numerous other opportunities.

Colleges and universities teach us technical knowledge of the field. Career Preparation is kept aside there, the importance of career preparation cannot be denied. It helps you to be prepared for the outer world. Amal Academy offers you to teach skills and self-awareness. Students are graduating from universities without a strong foundation of maturity, interpersonal skills, and transferrable skills. Career preparation provides skills, knowledge, and encouragement needed to get the most out of the desired career path. As students display higher levels of engagement and motivation when they have a clear understanding of what they want to do. Keeping all these points into view the foundation of Amal academy was laid.

Amal's journey taught me that it is important to uplift your emotions rather than just talking. We at Amal Academy made professional ties and strong emotional affections that make us feel like a family. All of the sessions at Amal were great but the last session was so overwhelming and the gist of this fellowship. The last session of fellowship was quite emotional. We all got attached in just a span of three months. We were sad that from now onwards our weekends would not start together, we would be having no early alarms, group meetings and project works. We were also happy that we have finally completed the whole journey, accepted all the challenges overcame on our lazy sides, and taken a step ahead but at the same time, we were gloomy to say Goodbye. Some goodbyes are really hard and it was one of them. All of the beautiful souls with whom I have spent the last three months will always be missed. As all of us were feeling emotional and nobody was ready to stop talking to the amazing fellows and facilitators so in our last session, “ Taking Flights” we all geared up to think about our future interactions and strong network. Due to COVID, our fellowship was online, so we thought to have a meet-up plan when the outbreak situation is better. We saved our numbers, share our Instagram and Facebook accounts. We also made a Snapchat group for staying in touch with each other.

What I learned, I will use in the future:

Of course, whatever I have learned in this fellowship I will use them in the future as these great tips are magical, they have changed my lifestyle and my dealings. These tips are working so well for me the day I start practicing them; positivity, leadership, gratitude, teamwork, feedback, growth mindset, appreciation, and so many other ingredients have made my life beautiful and easy to go. The growth mindset and finding positivity even in the worse situation will always help me achieve more and more in life. Amal's fellowship, the support, and the appreciation I received from here help me to have a strong belief in myself and it gives me the courage to achieve my goals. This fellowship act as a catalyst for me to reach out my dream destination as soon as possible.

At the end of the last session, we presented our gratitude to each other. We made others feel special by sharing our thoughts with them. Gratitude was one of the ingredients of fellowship and we end the session by practicing gratitude in our lives. I really want to thank my facilitators and my fellows for leaving such a great impact on my life. Here is a cute picture of our last day at the fellowship. All the super cute faces are presented to you in this picture. For all of you, it is a picture but for me and my fellows, it’s a burst of memories.

